Saturday, December 5, 2020

Everything-Free Crunchy Snacks!

 I love snacks, I mean, who doesn't? Especially ones with a good crunch. Here are some of my favorite gluten-free, dairy-free, everything-free snacks!

Quinn Pretzels

These pretzels are absolutely amazing! My favorites are the Classic Sea Salt Twists, Classic Sea Salt Sticks, and the Touch of Honey Pretzel Sticks. The two classics are just like your regular pretzels, but the touch of honey have this little extra flavor that makes it both sweet and salty- they're so good! 

Quinn Snacks also has some other pretzel options. They have peanut butter filled, which my mom has tried and said they aren't very peanut-buttery. Their pretzel chips are alright, but not my favorite. You definitely can't go wrong with their just regular ol' pretzels though!

Dang Coconut Chips

Dang's Thai Coconut Crunch Sticky-Rice Chips are... indescribable. They're crunchy, they're coconutty, they're sweet, they're everything amazing packed into little everything-free bite-sized pieces. Seriously, just try them. 

In addition to the coconut flavor, they also have Aged Cheddar (which has milk), Original (which is everything-free, I haven't tried them though), Savory Seaweed (um... what?), Sriracha Spice, and Toasted Sesame. 
Dang also has a bunch of different types of regular coconut chips, their chocolate flavor being my favorite. 

Siete's Tortilla Chips

Since I don't eat corn, finding tortilla chips has been pretty much impossible- until Siete, with their grain free, gluten free, vegan sea salt tortilla chips came and saved the day. These are made with avocado oil, which I like a lot better than any of the canola or sunflower oil most chips contain. 

Siete also has a ton of other tortilla chip flavors, seasonings, hot sauce, queso, and even everything-free crunchy taco shells, which I've already ranted about in my Tortillas and Taco Shells post

Trader Joe's Ridge-Cut Potato Chips

TJ's ridge-cut potato chips are my go-to snacking potato chips. They're just a classic, plain, and utterly perfect potato chip that aren't too greasy or salty. You can read all about them here.

Costco's Himalayan Salt Chips

A couple weeks ago at Costco I found a ginormous bag of these Kirkland Signature Krinkle Cut Kettle Chips in their... chip aisle (wherever that is, since Costco rearranges their entire store at least three times a week). Haha. Anyway, I was intrigued since it said they were made with Himalayan Salt, so I got a bag and holy cow! The amount of chips inside ONE bag is insane. I got this bag a couple weeks ago and I'm still not done. And they're so good too!

Thanks for reading! Please make sure to follow my... 
Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl 
Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl
And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Everything-Free Pizza!

 When you can't eat dairy, egg, soy, gluten, and garlic (and a lot more! My full list of allergies are at the bottom of this post), pizza is pretty much out of the question. Pizza, with it's egg/gluten filled crust, garlic tomato paste, and dairy filled cheese. But luckily, I've found a way to make my own amazing everything-free pizza over the years that I can safely enjoy. So without further ado...

The Crust

There are two different products I'll use as my pizza crust. The first is Ener-G's Rice Pizza Shells. These are great because they're already pre-made and you can just slather on your ingredients and pop them in the oven!

Ener-G also has Focaccia Crusts, which are a little smaller but equally delicious! 

Tomato Sauce

For a long time, finding a pizza sauce without garlic was impossible- until Fody came along and created not one, not two, but three different types of garlic-free, onion-free tomato sauce! I've only tried the Marinara and Tomato Basil, but I'm sure the Arrabbiata is great too! I buy these at Sprouts in the gluten-free section.

P.S. I have an entire post on different sauces and condiments I use. You can check it out here.


I have an entire post all about different cheeses I use that are allergy-free, but my top picks for pizza are VioLife's Mozzarella and Cheddar Shreds. Sometimes I use one or the other, but I usually put a little bit of both. And if you want to get really cheesey, VioLife's parmesan is an excellent addition to the pizza party! You can find VioLife's cheese at Whole Foods and Natural Grocers.

As always, please make sure to follow my Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl and my Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl. And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Tortillas and Taco Shells

 I don't know about you, but tortillas and taco shells have got to be one of mankind's greatest inventions in the culinary department. They can make a heap of random and completely unrelated ingredients come together in a small little bundle, enter your mouth, and send your tastebuds into frenzied celebration. Whoever invented them must have been pure genius. 


I can't have them.

Since 6 years ago I found out I have food sensitivities to nearly every food on the planet (that might be an exaggeration- but scroll to the bottom of the post to check out my official list of sensitivities), tortillas and taco shells were among the many casualties of allergic war. No gluten = no flour tortillas. And though I'm not technically "allergic" to corn, it never really agrees with me. So corn taco shells were sadly out of the picture as well. 

No tacos. 

No quesadillas.


For a little while I tried to satisfy my Taco Tuesday obsession with taco bowls- a fancy term for ground turkey meat and greasy dairy free cheese microwaved in a bowl for about 30 seconds. Disgusting. I still shiver when I remember my pathetic attempts to clean exploded cheese and meat from the microwave turntable. 

Luckily, over the years I've found some alternate-ingredient tortillas and taco shells that I'll share below. R.I.P. microwave taco bowls!

Trader Joe's Brown Rice Tortillas

You can find these in the- you guessed it- tortilla section at Trader Joe's. These are great for quesadillas. I'll put chicken, dairy-free cheese, and occasionally some bacon between two tortillas and grill it up on the stove. Don't try to use these for tacos or burritos, though- when you begin to fold these, they'll break clean down the fold. Also, they start to mold quick, even in the fridge. So it's best if you eat them within a couple days.

I use these with egg whites, spinach and bell peppers every morning! I love  them heated directly over the flame and… | Food, Gluten free snacks  healthy, Trader joes

Food For Life's Brown Rice Tortillas

These tortillas are super similar to Trader Joe's, although in my opinion are a little less starchy. They still break when you try to fold them, so again, they're best for quesadillas. 

Food For Life Tortillas, Brown Rice, 9 inch, WF & GF, Frozen - Azure  Standard

Coconut Flour Tortillas by The Real Coconut

Up until a couple years ago, I was stuck with eating the above two tortillas, which like I mentioned are not bendable. When I stumbled on these coconut flour tortillas by The Real Coconut, I was apprehensive that they would do anything different. But here's the thing- they don't break! I mean, sure, they'll break if you want them to, but they're perfectly able to bend into soft taco shells or fold into a small burrito. I'll put these in the oven with chicken and they crisp into perfection. Or, fold them with some meat of choice and some garlic-free BBQ sauce for a BBQ burrito. Amazing!

Siete Grain Free Taco Shells

These are absolutely INCREDIBLE grain-free crunchy taco shells. I'm not even going to say any more about it. You have to taste to believe. You can find them at Sprouts and Natural Grocers.

Gluten Free, Grain Free Taco Shells | Siete Foods

Sprouts' Grain Free Taco Shell

I'm not going to talk about how amazing these are, because they really aren't compared to Siete. They kind of taste like rice cakes. But, they are grain free, and it's another option, so I thought I'd just throw these in here as a bonus. 

Sprouts Grain Free Taco Shells (5.5 oz) - Instacart

As always, please make sure to follow my Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl and my Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl. And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Coconut Aminos (Soy-Free Soy Sauce)

 Now, I've never been one to eat a lot of Chinese food, or its closest counterpart: the all-important soy sauce. But years ago I discovered this stuff called Coconut Aminos, which I always jokingly call my "soy-free soy sauce." 

Does it actually taste like soy sauce? I couldn't tell you, I really have no idea what soy sauce tastes like. But I do use Coconut Aminos on rice, cook meat with it, use it in stir-fries, and pretty much any other dish that could use a little extra hint of flavor. Because I can't have garlic, chili powder, or a lot of other spices that make things more flavorful, these Coconut Aminos have definitely helped make my food a lot more enjoyable!

So what exactly are "Coconut Aminos?" Basically, it's a seasoning sauce made from coconut sap, salt, and water. That's it! Even though there are only a handful of ingredients, definitely don't underestimate the amazing flavor contained in that little bottle.

You can get it at Trader Joes (they have their own brand of it), but you can also get the main brand by Coconut Secret online (Amazon, Thrive Market, etc).

And if you really fall in love, you can get some gigantic bottles too!

As always, please make sure to follow my Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl and my Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl. And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Sunday, October 11, 2020

MORE Mac N Cheese?!

 A couple months ago, I wrote a post about the one and only Mac n Cheese I could safely have, Annie's Gluten Free Vegan Mac, which is also soy and garlic-free.

A couple weeks after I wrote that post, I was at Whole Foods, casually browsing the mac n cheese aisle, when I stumbled upon this new brand that claimed the pasta was Vegan (which means it contains no animal products such as milk or egg) and made from only 3 ingredients: rice, lentils, and peas. Intrigued, I looked at the ingredients label, saw that the cheese sauce powder had paprika in it (which doesn't agree with me), and with a sigh, put it back on the shelf. 

And that's it, end of story. See y'all later!

Just kidding.

After setting the box back on the shelf, I realized there wasn't just one, but three different flavor options for this brand's, Modern Table's, vegan mac. The one I'd looked at was cheddar, and I didn't even bother looking at the one labeled "Spicy Southwest" (I'm still not even bothering to look at the ingredients online because I'd be willing to bet some good money that it has garlic, chili powder, and paprika in it). But then there was the last one, the White Cheddar. 

Let me first explain my method of checking labels. First, I look at the very bottom of the ingredients list for the Common Allergens list in bold to check for the big ones- dairy, egg, soy, nuts, etc, because if I see any of those, the food is already out of the question. If I don't see any of them, I scan the full list for garlic, or onion, or any of the other random allergies I have. And if I don't see any of those, I start to really get suspicious and do my careful read-through. 

This was one of those careful read-through moments. And I had to read the list about 5 times before it finally sunk in that I could have this new mac n cheese!

When I got home I fired up the stove, cooked up a box- using Earth Balance Soy-Free Butter and Rice Dream rice milk for the cheese mix- and tried it. Honestly, Modern Table's mac is way better than Annie's. It's SO good! I think I might be obsessed.

Modern Table also has a variety of plain lentil pastas, the 3 mac n cheeses I listed above, and an Alfredo as well as Parmesan and Herb sauce pasta, too. You can check them all out at

Anyway, I definitely recommend picking up and trying a box. So far I've only seen it at Whole Foods, but I'm sure there's some other places that will start carrying it soon, since I think they're a relatively new brand.

Have a super awesome mac-n-cheesey day!

As always, please make sure to follow my Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl and my Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl. And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sweets & Treats & Desserts...


Oh yeah.

Obviously, we all have a sweet tooth. It's impossible to resist eating that cookie at a party, or that free ice cream sundae you get on your birthday, or the brownies that kinda just fell into your shopping cart at the store, or the cookies that got dropped off on your doorstep during the holidays...

Until you have to resist it.

Because surprise- surprise! There's this thing called food allergies (or food sensitivities) that just have to go and ruin all the sugary fun.

The good news?

Allergen-friendly companies don't just stop at making Gluten-Free, Vegan (dairy & egg-free), Soy-Free "health" food. As in, food that's actually good for you.

You better believe there's plenty of everything-free sweets and treats and desserts out there for us allergen people!

Here's some of my favorites...

Enjoy Life Brand

Enjoy Life is probably the first brand I stumbled across to fulfill my sugary cravings. The thing I love about Enjoy Life is that they're free of all the major allergens, so I can have most of their products- given they don't contain some of my other miscellaneous sensitivities that are pretty ridiculous (like GARLIC- no, I'm not a vampire). All of their products are also non-GMO, all-natural, and contain no refined... stuff! Sounds almost too good to be true!
They're my #1 for all things cookies. I'm not sure I've ever actually baked an everything-free cookie in these almost 6 years, because Enjoy Life's taste SO good. They have a whole variety of flavors that come in crunchy and soft, regular-sized, small, and mini! Did I mention the flavors? Classic chocolate chip, Vanilla Honey Graham, Snickerdoodle, and Double Chocolate Brownie are just a few of their options!

In addition to cookies, Enjoy Life also has Chewy Bars (which I tried a few years ago and are really good- I'm sure they're even better now), and Breakfast Ovals (which I didn't even know were a thing haha). Both types come in a handful of different flavors- which you can check out on Enjoy Life's website :)

Also... I saw this on their homepage! Looks like some everything-free brownies are coming our way soon, which I'm way too excited about! 

Oh- and chocolate bars? They got you covered. All 3 flavors are made with rice milk.

Simply Delish Brand

I've just recently discovered Simply Delish, and let's just say, their name is completely accurate! They have puddings and jell-os that are amazing! Not only are their products dairy, gluten, nut, and soy free, along with vegan, but they are also SUGAR FREE. And non-GMO! Holy guacamole!

I've tried their Chocolate and Vanilla puddings, both of which are incredible! I love how all you have to do is mix the powder with plant-based milk (check out my plant-based milk blog post!) and stir, then eat!
They also have strawberry pudding and are coming out with banana this month (September 2020)!

They also have Jel-Desserts (Jello) that come in strawberry, peach, black cherry, orange, raspberry, and lime!

Ice Creams

I've already done a whole blog post on ice creams- go check that out when you're done here!


There's lots of everything-free cake mixes at various stores like Sprouts and Natural Grocers. Which is great, except they LOVE to use almond flour as their main ingredient, which is a no-no food for me. I haven't experimented a lot with baking my own cakes, but Daiya has 4 different flavors of cheezecake! And let me just say, I'm not a big fan of regular cheese cake, but their cheezecake is awesome!

I've only had the chocolate and strawberry (back when I could have strawberries...), but I'm sure their New York and key lime are great, too!

Hopefully today's post gave you some new options to try to satisfy your sweet tooth! Let me know in the comments what your favorite brand/sweet is, or if you have any other favorites not mentioned here!

As always, please make sure to follow my instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl and my Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl. And if you're new here, check out my other blog posts for more foods and recipes!

-The Everything-Free Girl

My food sensitivities include...
All Dairy
Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
Flax Seed, Aniseed
Oat, Barley, Spelt
Strawberries, Apples, Cherries

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


You never think about it. It's like second nature to all of us humans. 

Going out to eat.

Whether it's fast food or a fancy Italian restaurant, going to a party or to the movies, food is a huge part of our social experience as people! Wherever we go, we're surrounded by food. And most people don't even think about it. I didn't either, until I found out I had about a million food sensitivities. Including...

  • All Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Soy
  • Peanuts, Cashews, Pistachios, Almonds, Brazil nut, Walnut, and Hazel nut
  • Garlic, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper (and basically all other hot pepper things)
  • Goat milk, Buffalo milk (Seriously?)
  • Flax Seed, Aniseed
  • Gluten/Wheat
  • Oat, Barley, Spelt
  • Strawberries, Apples, Cherries
  • Raddish
  • Lime
With a list like that, I mean, I basically figured eating in general was out of the question. I couldn't even think about going out to eat.

However, in the past almost 6 years, I've figured out plenty of ways that I can successfully go out to eat without bubble trouble in the lower regions the next day... 

Which is definitely a good thing!

So today I'm going to let you in on all of the little hacks and secrets I've found over the years to go out to eat... everything-free!

Fast Food

Fast food is actually a pretty sad category... When it comes to the wonders of processed "meat" products, sugar water (aka that stuff they put in cups and pass as soda), and super wimpy sandwiches, I'm not a huge fan of the whole fast food gig. And to be honest, there's not a whole lot of stuff from drive-thrus that's everything-free. 

I mean, I guess you could go to Wendy's and order a plain baked potato like I used to for years. Note used to. Yeah. I started getting a little upset when every time I got a baked potato there would be full-on black spots in the white stuff (potato meat?) Like, huge clumps of black disgusting-ness. And they're never fresh, no matter what they tell you over the static intercom. Those sorry excuses for potatoes were always super yellow and gross on the inside. So I finally gave up on Wendy's potatoes, and honestly, I've given up on all hope of Wendy's in general. That place probably owes us a solid $50 for all the times my mom has paid for cheese on her chicken sandwiches and they've forgotten to put it on. And I especially lost hope in them after the time my dad got a Jr. Baconator and they FORGOT THE BACON. On a BACONATOR.

R.I.P. Wendy's.

But hey, I mean, I guess if you're desperate, a plain baked potato will definitely fill the void in your stomach. Just make sure to bring some dairy free butter and put your sunglasses on so you can't see how nasty it really is. 

And then there's In N Out Burger.
Can I just say that I LOVE In N Out? It's simply genius the way they have a tiny menu and never raise their prices. Unfortunately, most of their stuff is just burgers and shakes, which are delicious but packed full of no-no foods. 

Except for....

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Their French fries!

In N Out Burger uses sunflower oil on their fries, unlike most other fast food places that use soy. So that makes them everything-free! And let's just say, those things are heavenly. Especially when you add a little extra salt or dip in Fody's Garlic-Free ketchup (be sure to check out my condiments and sauces post when you're done here!)

But, as for Jack in the Box, McDonalds, Burger King, Carl's Jr, or any of the other dozen fast food chains across America, there's not really a whole lot of options for everything free.

On road trips or long outings, I'll usually prepare ahead of time and just throw together a chicken sandwich using my everything free bread and cheese (check out those posts too!) To be honest, it's probably a lot healthier anyway, it just takes a few extra minutes in preparation.

Actual Restaurants

My go-to foods at restaurants are either chicken, or potatoes. They're super simple, easy foods that most restaurants have on-hand.

Like when I go to Texas Roadhouse, I'll order two plain baked potatoes, and before I leave home I'll just put a little bit of my Earth Balance dairy free butter and Violife shredded cheese in a baggie and sneak it in my purse (not like the restaurants really care). Then- here's a fun tip- once they've brought the food out, ask for a side of bacon bits. If you ask them when you're ordering, chances are they'll charge you for those delicious beauties. But if you ask right when they bring the food out, they'll most likely forget to add it to your bill. You're welcome. Their potatoes are AMAZING by the way. After having those, there's no way I could ever suffer through another one of Wendy's... brown... cylindrical... things...?
Texas Roadhouse can also make grilled chicken that has no seasoning. Except, they usually charr it and you have to pick all the little black burnt pieces off. So, I guess if you don't mind that, that's an option, too.
Famous Dave's is another place that makes a pretty good baked potato. I'm about 99% sure that their chicken comes pre-seasoned, though. Outback Steakhouse has potatoes, and so does Longhorn Steakhouse. 

BJ's has potatoes and chicken. And oh my gosh, their chicken is the BEST. If you ask them to broil one of their plain chicken breasts, you'll be in heaven. Their potatoes are pretty good. I still prefer Texas Roadhouse potatoes though. My dream meal would have to be Texas 'taters and BJ's chicken. Ahh! I have to stop drooling lol.

At Smash Burger, you can get a plain grilled chicken patty for like $2. But, I think I went there so much a few years ago that the CEO or whatever made it so you can only get it for $2 if you order it with a sandwich. Otherwise they'll charge you $10 for the entire sandwich, even though you're literally only getting a thin piece of meat. Really stupid. Anyway, that place is kinda hit-n-miss because even when you order it with a real sandwich, the people can never figure out how to do the "ADD GRL CHX" option and they have to call a manager over and spend like 20 minutes trying to figure it out. So... order at your own risk. 

Also, a tip with grilled chicken (or meat) of any kind is ask them to clean the grill. If you say no seasoning, they'll usually just kinda ignore it, but if you say it's for a food allergy and ask them to clean the grill, they'll pay attention.

And- a lot of places will have fruit or steamed vegetables that they can hold the seasoning on.

When it comes to Mexican food, my all-time favorite place in the world is Gecko Grill (or Moreno's, which is their sister company). I'm not all that certain their shredded chicken is garlic-free... but it never seems to do anything to me so the addiction rages on. I eat their chicken plain, or put it in a grain-free taco shell or tortilla with some dairy-free cheese. It's heavenly. And of course perfect for Taco Tuesday. I know that Gecko Grill/Morenos is just an Arizona thing, though, but a lot of other Mexican food places can usually give you an 8oz cup of plain shredded chicken (I mean, you obviously have to pay for it). 

With Chinese food, there's no hope for everything-free. I mean, zero hope. Pei Wei has some pretty mean white rice, but everything else might as well just say, "packed full of soy and garlic!"

Oh and breakfast foods?


Forget it.

Unless you get some potatoes.

As a general rule, going out to eat with food allergies/sensitivities is just plain hard. A lot of times you have to bring your own extra stuff like butter or taco shells. A lot of times you have to ask if things have food allergens in them. And a lot of times you have to wait a long time for them to ask their chefs, ask their managers, figure out how to ring things up, figure out how to cook the stuff, and just figure out how to serve you! But that's all part of fun! You just have to have a lot of patience and be willing to laugh when things don't turn out. Because at the end of the day, it's a learning experience for everyone involved. And to be honest, you're going to run into a lot of nice servers and waiters that will totally go out of their way to make sure that you get something to eat! I mean, it's actually kind of fun, because you get to talk to and connect with the workers at the restaurant on a level that goes farther than, "I want an apple juice and a grilled chicken club sandwich." Eventually it just becomes second nature, and you don't even have to think about how to explain your allergies to people. You have your go-to explanations and phrases. Like, "I'm allergic to everything!" 


Most restaurant desserts don't have dairy-free/soy-free options... however, frozen yogurt places usually do! Most sorbet options are dairy-free and soy-free, but it's always good to double-check. 
Menchies is by far my favorite frozen yogurt place, and they usually have 1-2 different sorbet options at a time. They even occasionally get chocolate sorbet, which is absolutely AMAZING!

Parties / Events

I know this doesn't really count as like, "going-out-to-eat-at-a-restaurant-and-paying-for-food" thing, but I figured I'd throw this in here. I was 10 years old when I found out about all of my food sensitivities, which meant that there were a lot of birthday parties to go to. Birthday parties with pizza, cake, ice cream, and now in the teenage years theres a lot of pizza, cupcakes, soda, bbq chips, and M&M's. 
When I was younger, I used to make my own special pizza and bring like an everything-free ice cream sandwich or something in a cooler, then ask to keep it in my friend's fridge until everyone else had their food. I mean, it worked back then, but it was still kinda awkward. 
Nowadays, I'll usually just eat before I go to a party (or any social event where there's food involved) and then watch everyone else pig out while I hang back with a full belly. Ironically, I get a lot less stares and questions asked when I just don't eat anything, rather than bringing my own concoction. And who knows, a lot of times people will have grapes or plain potato chips that I can nibble on!

Anyway, I hope some of my tips and advice were useful! Good luck in your adventures in going out to eat!

And be sure to follow my...
Instagram- @Theeverythingfreegirl
Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Condiments and Sauces!

Ketchup, marinara sauce, mayonnaise, salad dressing... 

All of those amazing condiments and sauces faded from view when I found out I was allergic to pretty much everything. 

Thanks, garlic allergy.

The first couple of years after going everything-free were pretty bland, since I had nothing to spice up my foods. No BBQ sauce on chicken, no ketchup on fries, no mayonnaise on sandwiches... 

It was a sad world.

But then different brands started to emerge with alternative options for condiments and sauces. Like Just Mayo. Their egg-free mayonnaise could be found in multiple different store chains, and was actually really good! Unfortunately, over a year ago, their mayo became super hard to find. It's been impossible for me to find it anymore, so I've had to resort to another brand, Follow Your Heart. They have a handful of different egg-free (vegan) mayonnaise options and flavors, but I use the soy-free kind 'cause, you know, allergic to soy!

Follow Your Heart calls it "vegenaise," and it's super good. I honestly can't even taste the difference!

So, even though my mayonnaise dilemma was resolved, ketchup and the others were still distant dreams.

Until Fody saved the day!

Imagine my excitement the day I strolled down the gluten-free section of Sprouts and discovered this new brand, "Fody," that proudly proclaimed on the label, "No Onion, No Garlic!" 

"That can't be right, they have to be lying..." I scoured the ingredients list, came up empty-handed with allergens, and had to read the label about 5 more times before it finally hit me that I had found a garlic-free ketchup! And of course, bonus points for no onion, because I avoid that, too.

And for the record, their ketchup tastes amazing!

Then, I looked back at the shelf again, the same day, and found the Fody had a marinara sauce! That was- yes- garlic and onion free! 

I hit the jackpot!

Pizza, fries, and spaghetti were all back in the picture thanks to this new brand!

But then.

I saw it.



Everything-free BBQ sauce.

It, like all true bbq sauce, is simply heavenly.

And also, I just saw they also have... MAPLE BBQ Sauce?!!?!!! Um, yes please!

I'm adding that to my list of foods I need to get my hands on. That and the Pineapple So Delicious Yogurt. (check out my Everything-Free Yogurt post after you finish here!) I keep looking for that every time I go to the store but haven't laid eyes on it yet.

Fody also has a handful of other sauces, salad dressings, spices, and even salsas- all of which are garlic and onion free! You can find all of their options at 

Anyway, that's it for today's post! As always, remember to follow my:
Instagram: @Theeverythingfreegirl
Pinterest: The Everything-Free Girl 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The BEST Everything-Free MAC N CHEESE!

 Two words.




Also known as the most beautiful thing humankind ever invented.

The catch?

It's packed full of dairy, soy, gluten, even garlic. 

All of which are no-no foods for this girl (imagine me pointing at myself) who's everything-free. 

The first ten years of my life wouldn't have been the same without the hundreds of thousands of meals I ate of glorious mac n cheese. 

However, when I first found out I had all of my food sensitivities, in 2015, there were no macaroni and cheese options that were vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and garlic free. A couple years later, Daiya came out with a brand of mac that was all clear except for the bane of my label-checking existence: garlic. Nevertheless, I actually ate quite a few boxes of it, and of course it didn't really agree with me, but it was SO good. My mom eventually made me give it up though, since, ya know, garlic.

Recipes were tried, but ultimately all of them failed. I basically gave up all hope after that of ever finding a mac n cheese that I could actually eat. 

But then.

Lo and behold.

A few years ago, my absolute favorite brand of mac n cheese from when I was a little kid, Annie's, came out with a boxed type that was...


Yes! Including garlic-free!

I was SO excited. But the real test was obviously the taste test.

It passed.

It's amazing!

I'm addicted to this stuff. I'm actually cooking some right now while I'm writing. Like, the noodles are literally cooking in the boiling water in the other room while I'm typing this out right now haha!

Here's the picture of the box. It's Annie's Vegan Mac (the gluten free kind- because they have another vegan kind that actually does contain gluten!)

Organic Vegan Elbow Rice Pasta & Creamy Sauce | Annie's Homegrown

The directions are on the back of the box, but I have my method of cooking it down to a complete science. I cook the noodles until they're soft (which takes longer than 7-9 minutes. Don't be fooled by the box haha). Then I strain the water out and rinse them real good. The box says that adding 2 tablespoons of butter is optional, but it makes a world of difference when you add it. So in goes the Earth Balance Soy Free butter, and the 1/3 cup of rice milk. I mix those until the butter is melted, add the noodles back in, and stir until the noodles are all wet from the butter/milk mix. Then, finally, I dump the cheese powder packet, stir it all in, and into my mouth it goes!

And for the record, the picture on the box is actually pretty accurate. Here's the batch I just devoured while writing tonight (this bowl is only about half of what the box makes):

Also, don't forget to follow my:

Instagram: @Theeverythingfreegirl 

Pinterest: The Everything-Free Girl

Have a fantastic mac n cheesey day! :)

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Everything-Free Banana Muffin Recipe

Not gonna lie- everything-free cooking in general is hard. But baking? Forget about it. 

When I first found out about all of my food sensitivities, my mom and I scoured the internet for everything-free recipes. Needless to say, we didn't find a whole lot of them that were free of my huge list of no-no foods. And as for the ones we did find, they either didn't turn out, or tasted horrible. Or both. 

After searching endlessly for something that seemingly didn't exist, we finally, finally, stumbled upon a banana muffin recipe that was, indeed, every-thing free. Or at least would be with a few minor tweaks. Of course, the ingredients list is only half of it. The real test was the taste test. 

We had to change some of the ingredients from the original recipe so I could actually have it. Three bananas, a little experimentation with substitute ingredients, and 30 minutes later, deliciousness exploded across my tastebuds. It was actually good! Like, really good. I've been making these muffins for years, and they're great for a quick breakfast or snack. 

This recipe is vegan, free of gluten, soy, nuts, seafood, and pretty much every other allergen in the book. It truly is everything-free!

 So, without further-ado, here's the recipe!

(But first- proof of the perfection!)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake time 25-28 minutes.


Makes 1 doz. small muffins or 8 large muffins.

1 1/2 cups of all purpose gluten-free flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup mini chocolate chips

3 tablespoons applesauce*
1 cup mashed bananas (I always use 3 that are overripe)
1/4 cup honey
1/8 cup coconut oil

*The original recipe says to use applesauce, but I avoid eating apples, so I just leave it out completely. It still makes good muffins without, but if you can have the applesauce, by all means use it!

These are my go-to brands of ingredients. Most of the ingredients are just everyday baking stuff that's already in the kitchen. Any gluten-free flour will work, and for the chocolate chips I use Enjoy Life's mini semi-sweet. They're so tiny, taste incredibly real, and are of course, everything-free.

Once you grab all of the ingredients, mix the dry mix together, then the wet mix, and then add them together.

(Look at all those chocolate chips!! I'm drooling already)

The batter is going to be a really weird consistency... really fluffy and thick. Then again, I make mine without applesauce. So if you add that in, it might be more normal haha.

Once it's all mixed, toss them in the muffin pan and into the oven they go at 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). 
(This picture is actually a screenshot from my Instagram story because I forgot to take the picture for the blog. Go figure. Guess this is a good time to say go follow my Instagram! @Theeverythingfreegirl)

Baking it for about 25 minutes is good, but if you want them a little more brown on top like mine, 28 minutes is the way to go.

All done!
Another thing worth mentioning is you can use this same recipe to make a banana bread loaf. I've done it a couple times and the result is just as great as the muffins! 

Happy baking! :)

Instagram- @Theeverythingfreegirl
Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl