Saturday, August 22, 2020

The BEST Everything-Free MAC N CHEESE!

 Two words.




Also known as the most beautiful thing humankind ever invented.

The catch?

It's packed full of dairy, soy, gluten, even garlic. 

All of which are no-no foods for this girl (imagine me pointing at myself) who's everything-free. 

The first ten years of my life wouldn't have been the same without the hundreds of thousands of meals I ate of glorious mac n cheese. 

However, when I first found out I had all of my food sensitivities, in 2015, there were no macaroni and cheese options that were vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and garlic free. A couple years later, Daiya came out with a brand of mac that was all clear except for the bane of my label-checking existence: garlic. Nevertheless, I actually ate quite a few boxes of it, and of course it didn't really agree with me, but it was SO good. My mom eventually made me give it up though, since, ya know, garlic.

Recipes were tried, but ultimately all of them failed. I basically gave up all hope after that of ever finding a mac n cheese that I could actually eat. 

But then.

Lo and behold.

A few years ago, my absolute favorite brand of mac n cheese from when I was a little kid, Annie's, came out with a boxed type that was...


Yes! Including garlic-free!

I was SO excited. But the real test was obviously the taste test.

It passed.

It's amazing!

I'm addicted to this stuff. I'm actually cooking some right now while I'm writing. Like, the noodles are literally cooking in the boiling water in the other room while I'm typing this out right now haha!

Here's the picture of the box. It's Annie's Vegan Mac (the gluten free kind- because they have another vegan kind that actually does contain gluten!)

Organic Vegan Elbow Rice Pasta & Creamy Sauce | Annie's Homegrown

The directions are on the back of the box, but I have my method of cooking it down to a complete science. I cook the noodles until they're soft (which takes longer than 7-9 minutes. Don't be fooled by the box haha). Then I strain the water out and rinse them real good. The box says that adding 2 tablespoons of butter is optional, but it makes a world of difference when you add it. So in goes the Earth Balance Soy Free butter, and the 1/3 cup of rice milk. I mix those until the butter is melted, add the noodles back in, and stir until the noodles are all wet from the butter/milk mix. Then, finally, I dump the cheese powder packet, stir it all in, and into my mouth it goes!

And for the record, the picture on the box is actually pretty accurate. Here's the batch I just devoured while writing tonight (this bowl is only about half of what the box makes):

Also, don't forget to follow my:

Instagram: @Theeverythingfreegirl 

Pinterest: The Everything-Free Girl

Have a fantastic mac n cheesey day! :)

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