Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Condiments and Sauces!

Ketchup, marinara sauce, mayonnaise, salad dressing... 

All of those amazing condiments and sauces faded from view when I found out I was allergic to pretty much everything. 

Thanks, garlic allergy.

The first couple of years after going everything-free were pretty bland, since I had nothing to spice up my foods. No BBQ sauce on chicken, no ketchup on fries, no mayonnaise on sandwiches... 

It was a sad world.

But then different brands started to emerge with alternative options for condiments and sauces. Like Just Mayo. Their egg-free mayonnaise could be found in multiple different store chains, and was actually really good! Unfortunately, over a year ago, their mayo became super hard to find. It's been impossible for me to find it anymore, so I've had to resort to another brand, Follow Your Heart. They have a handful of different egg-free (vegan) mayonnaise options and flavors, but I use the soy-free kind 'cause, you know, allergic to soy!

Follow Your Heart calls it "vegenaise," and it's super good. I honestly can't even taste the difference!

So, even though my mayonnaise dilemma was resolved, ketchup and the others were still distant dreams.

Until Fody saved the day!

Imagine my excitement the day I strolled down the gluten-free section of Sprouts and discovered this new brand, "Fody," that proudly proclaimed on the label, "No Onion, No Garlic!" 

"That can't be right, they have to be lying..." I scoured the ingredients list, came up empty-handed with allergens, and had to read the label about 5 more times before it finally hit me that I had found a garlic-free ketchup! And of course, bonus points for no onion, because I avoid that, too.

And for the record, their ketchup tastes amazing!

Then, I looked back at the shelf again, the same day, and found the Fody had a marinara sauce! That was- yes- garlic and onion free! 

I hit the jackpot!

Pizza, fries, and spaghetti were all back in the picture thanks to this new brand!

But then.

I saw it.



Everything-free BBQ sauce.

It, like all true bbq sauce, is simply heavenly.

And also, I just saw they also have... MAPLE BBQ Sauce?!!?!!! Um, yes please!

I'm adding that to my list of foods I need to get my hands on. That and the Pineapple So Delicious Yogurt. (check out my Everything-Free Yogurt post after you finish here!) I keep looking for that every time I go to the store but haven't laid eyes on it yet.

Fody also has a handful of other sauces, salad dressings, spices, and even salsas- all of which are garlic and onion free! You can find all of their options at https://www.fodyfoods.com 

Anyway, that's it for today's post! As always, remember to follow my:
Instagram: @Theeverythingfreegirl
Pinterest: The Everything-Free Girl 

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