Monday, August 3, 2020

Plant-Based Everything-Free YOGURT!

While typing out the title for this post, I had a mini-flashback to almost six years ago, when my mom bought a yogurt maker to, well, make yogurt. Extremely bland, sour, chunky yogurt that I choked down alongside microwaved eggs. Thanks, SCD diet, for nothing. Nothing but apprehension towards yogurt. 

Fast forward to today, I absolutely LOVE yogurt, though my definition of yogurt is the sugary store-bought kind, not the homemade kind. Of course, I can't eat the normal stuff that has dairy in it, since I'm everything-free (gluten-free, soy-free, garlic-free vegan that can eat meat). Fortunately, there's a number of brands that make plant-based, everything-free yogurt alternatives- and in all of the heavenly fruity flavors I adore! 

So Delicious

My go-to choice for everything-free yogurt is by So Delicious. They have 12 different flavor options made with coconut milk, which is incredible! They have...
  • Blueberry- Has little blueberry chunks in it and is SO good.
  • Chocolate- Not one of my favorites but is still pretty good! (I mean, it's chocolate. You can't go wrong with chocolate).
  • Key Lime- This one is kinda interesting. You anticipate it to be really tangy but is actually sweet. 
  • Peach- Has peach chunks. YES. Just. Yes.
  • Plain- It's plain. Whatever.
  • Raspberry- This is one of my favorites. It's really sweet and has an amazing flavor.
  • Strawberry Banana- I haven't had this in a long time but I think I remember it being super good. I'm a huge sucker for anything strawberry banana flavored, but I can't have strawberries so that's pretty sad.
  • Strawberry- It's strawberry, what can I say?
  • Unsweetened Plain- I don't think I've ever tried this and don't ever care to. Sounds really bland and boring.
  • Unsweetened Vanilla- Add some stevia and you're golden.
  • Vanilla- It's vanilla. It meets expectations.
  • Pineapple Brûlée- Um, excuse me?! I didn't know this existed until I just went onto So Delicious' website. I'm going to go on an epic quest to find this flavor now because I NEED this in my life!
All of these flavors come in the single-serving cups that you can buy individually at Sprouts, Natural Grocers, Whole Foods, Walmart (actually has some of the best prices) etc. 
Plain, Unsweetened Plain, Vanilla, and Unsweetened Vanilla also come in their bigger tubs.

Now it's time to make you drool. Enjoy the pictures.

Yeah. I'm gonna be going insane until I get my greedy little hands on that pineapple brûlée and shovel it into my mouth so my tastebuds can throw a party. 

Also- I haven't seen these in-stores, but they look amazing- So Delicious has 4 flavors of those little cups that you pour the crunchy stuff into (I'm so good at descriptions, I know).
  • Coco Almond Crunch
  • Spiced Blueberry
  • Key Lime Pie
  • Salted Caramel Cluster

Okay, now I'm sitting here obsessing over the Salted Caramel Cluster.

And lastly, So Delicious also has a line of Oat Milk Yogurts. I haven't had any of these, since I'm not really supposed to have oats... but I figured they'd be worth mentioning. 


Across the board, there's definitely a love-hate relationship with Daiya. Some people love it, some people hate it. Like, with a passion. 
I kinda fall in the middle. Their cheese is weird, but their yogurt is pretty good. They only have 6 flavors though, and it's more expensive than So Delicious, which is dumb since I think SD quality is better. But hey, options are options. Here's their flavors:
  • Strawberry
  • Peach
  • Blueberry
  • Black Cherry
  • Vanilla Bean
  • Plain
Real exciting. I'd probably stick with So Delicious, since it's not like Daiya has a whole lot of new thrilling flavors. Unless you're madly craving Black Cherry. Daiya has the upper-hand when it comes to that department.

Alright, that's all for this post! Be sure to follow my Instagram @Theeverythingfreegirl for updates whenever I upload a new blog post. And also, be sure to check back this Thursday for a recipe post! Yes- that's right, I actually make and eat food rather than just talk about it all the time. Haha. 

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