Thursday, August 6, 2020

Everything-Free Banana Muffin Recipe

Not gonna lie- everything-free cooking in general is hard. But baking? Forget about it. 

When I first found out about all of my food sensitivities, my mom and I scoured the internet for everything-free recipes. Needless to say, we didn't find a whole lot of them that were free of my huge list of no-no foods. And as for the ones we did find, they either didn't turn out, or tasted horrible. Or both. 

After searching endlessly for something that seemingly didn't exist, we finally, finally, stumbled upon a banana muffin recipe that was, indeed, every-thing free. Or at least would be with a few minor tweaks. Of course, the ingredients list is only half of it. The real test was the taste test. 

We had to change some of the ingredients from the original recipe so I could actually have it. Three bananas, a little experimentation with substitute ingredients, and 30 minutes later, deliciousness exploded across my tastebuds. It was actually good! Like, really good. I've been making these muffins for years, and they're great for a quick breakfast or snack. 

This recipe is vegan, free of gluten, soy, nuts, seafood, and pretty much every other allergen in the book. It truly is everything-free!

 So, without further-ado, here's the recipe!

(But first- proof of the perfection!)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake time 25-28 minutes.


Makes 1 doz. small muffins or 8 large muffins.

1 1/2 cups of all purpose gluten-free flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup mini chocolate chips

3 tablespoons applesauce*
1 cup mashed bananas (I always use 3 that are overripe)
1/4 cup honey
1/8 cup coconut oil

*The original recipe says to use applesauce, but I avoid eating apples, so I just leave it out completely. It still makes good muffins without, but if you can have the applesauce, by all means use it!

These are my go-to brands of ingredients. Most of the ingredients are just everyday baking stuff that's already in the kitchen. Any gluten-free flour will work, and for the chocolate chips I use Enjoy Life's mini semi-sweet. They're so tiny, taste incredibly real, and are of course, everything-free.

Once you grab all of the ingredients, mix the dry mix together, then the wet mix, and then add them together.

(Look at all those chocolate chips!! I'm drooling already)

The batter is going to be a really weird consistency... really fluffy and thick. Then again, I make mine without applesauce. So if you add that in, it might be more normal haha.

Once it's all mixed, toss them in the muffin pan and into the oven they go at 350 degrees (Fahrenheit). 
(This picture is actually a screenshot from my Instagram story because I forgot to take the picture for the blog. Go figure. Guess this is a good time to say go follow my Instagram! @Theeverythingfreegirl)

Baking it for about 25 minutes is good, but if you want them a little more brown on top like mine, 28 minutes is the way to go.

All done!
Another thing worth mentioning is you can use this same recipe to make a banana bread loaf. I've done it a couple times and the result is just as great as the muffins! 

Happy baking! :)

Instagram- @Theeverythingfreegirl
Pinterest- The Everything-Free Girl

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